Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hibiscus Plant, everithing you have to know

Hibiscus plant

Common name: hibiscus, China rose, Cayenne
Scientific name: Hibiscus Rosae-Sinensis
Origin: Tropical Asia
Family: Malvaceae
Location: outside
Blooming: Summer, continuing in tropical climates
Light: Full sun
Ideal temperature: 13 - 21 ° C, although some varieties can resist up to - 15 ° C
Irrigation: Abundant
Fertilizer: While it is blooming we will pay it every 15 days

Description of the Hibiscus

If you want to give it a Mediterranean touch to your backyard, the best choice is the floral burst of hibiscus, an evergreen shrub that can reach five meters in height if planted in the garden and two meters in a pot. The leaves are oval with slightly serrated edges, dark green and bright.

Hibiscus PlantThe flowers of hibiscus, which have different sizes and colors depending on the variety of the plant, are very showy. They are characterized by having five petals forming a funnel from the center, and stamens with yellow anthers that surpass the corolla. The color is varied as there are varieties of red, yellow, orange, pink, white, blue or purple hibiscus,

In tropical climates, bloom occurs throughout the year, but in a cold climate, flowers will appear from midsummer to early fall. Grow it in a big pot composite-based land and water it regularly during summer.

Light and temperature of hibiscus

The hibiscus plant requires a warm climate, between 14 and 18 degrees in winter. It should be protected from the cold and frost, in a well-lighted area with some sun during the first hours of the day.

Irrigation and fertilizer of hibiscus plant

Irrigation should be abundant during the summer, flowering season. Try to keep the soil always moist. It is important to avoid flooding with a good drainage. During the winter hibiscus just need some water. If you grow it indoors you have to spray the leaves regularly to create a humid environment. Add fertilizer granules in the beginning of spring and so on every fifteen days.

Hibiscus Plant Pruning

For have a truly spectacular blooming, prune the hibiscus plant in the spring. Start cutting the shoots of the previous year to maintain a bushy and attractive way. Remove dead, damaged or tangled branches that can spoil each other. Finally, cut some old stems to prevent too congested growing.

Pests and Diseases of Hibiscus Plant

The hibiscus plant is sensitive to aphids, mealy bugs, and spiders, but you have to be careful too with white flies and bees. If the leaves become yellow it can be an excess of irrigation or lack of nutrients, it is solved by reducing the risks and using fertilizer every two weeks. Instead, the plant pulls buttons or cocoons before opening it may be by a cold or too dry environment.

Curiosities of the Hibiscus Plant

Hibiscus, as a medicinal plant, has various properties that include its digestive function, antioxidant and stimulant for the liver and kidney. In addition, red hibiscus is one of the preferred soft drinks in some countries of Africa. You only have to make an infusion with the dried leaves, add sugar or honey, and let it in the fridge.

Here concludes this article about the hibiscus plant, you can read more information about the hibiscus flower or the hibiscus tea on this very website.

Hibiscus Side Effects

The Hibiscus flower is usually taken as a tea. This tea is popular as an aid to weight loss and is made of red hibiscus flower. Many herbalists thought the hibiscus is a cure for everything from high blood pressure to flu. However, as with many herbal remedies can have side effects.

Side effect of Hibiscus and Estrogen

People with low levels of estrogen, which are on hormone replacement therapy or who are using birth control pills should not use hibiscus tea. Some studies, such as the one led by the Guru Jambheshwar University of science and technology in India, indicate that the hibiscus may contain estrogen or may affect it in any way. Because of this side effect of hibiscus, pregnant women has to avoid it.

Hibiscus Side Effects during Pregnancy and Lactation

Hibiscus has abortifacient properties and should not be used by pregnant women since it may cause abortion. Children shouldn't take hibiscus also. The plant should not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding due to its content of alkaloids and estrogen.

Hallucinatory side effects

Hibiscus Side Effects
The tea of hibiscus has hallucinogenic effects, and many people even feel nausea or intoxication symptoms. Remember that you must be very careful when driving or operating heavy machinery after consuming hibiscus tea. Pay attention to this side effect of hibiscus if you gone to do this kind of work.

Other Precautions About the Hibiscus Flower

In some places, people have used the hibiscus for treating cancer. Some recent studies show that may be some foundation for this use. A study conducted by the Chung Shan Medical University in Taiwan showed that there are chemicals called polyphenols in hibiscus that can attack or neutralize the cancer cells in the brain and the skin. As a result, anyone who is already taking medication for cancer should not use hibiscus tea, since it can have a side effect in the treatment. In addition, hibiscus tea may also affect the way in it is processed some other acetaminophen. To prevent some possible interactions avoids taking this tea and anti-inflammatory within a range of two hours.

Hibiscus side effects oh skin

Dermatitis: Hibiscus can cause dermatitis or irritation by direct contact of the skin. Allergy or skin rash: some people may be allergic to this plant.

Here ends this article about hibiscus side effects, please continue reading this site to know more hibiscus benefits and uses.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Benefits of the Hibiscus Tea

What are the benefits of hibiscus tea?

What are the benefits of hibiscus tea?
Each part of the hibiscus plant is used for medicinal purposes. The colorful hibiscus flower is grown around the world, both for its aesthetics and its medicinal uses, which are mainly in the form of tea. Although scientific research has been limited, studies suggest that this is beneficial with relation na several of its traditional uses, mostly to help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol control. Drink it is relatively safe, but always consult with a qualified health care professional before taking it for its medicinal properties, especially if you are taking other medications or supplements.

Hibiscus plant

Hibiscus, Roselle plant, is a shrub that is believed to be of African origin. It has yellow flowers with Red Centre, and it should not be confused with the hibiscus acetosella, species of hibiscus that has red flowers. Hibiscus ascetosella is not used for medicinal purposes, while the Roselle is used for a variety of ailments. Their flowers, fruit and calyx (the structure in the form of Cup that supports flowers) are all used for medicinal purposes, being the most used the chalice. The chalice is also used to make hibiscus tea, and is known as roselle or hibiscus in commercial operations. The fact that the calyx of Hibiscus sabdariffa is red is perhaps for this reason that mingles with the hibiscus acetosella.

Hibiscus Tea for Blood Pressure

Drinking several cups of hibiscus tea can help to lower blood pressure, according to some studies. One of these studies, published in the July of 2004 edition of "Phytomedicine", found that subjects who took an infusion with 10 grams of dry calyx of Hibiscus for four weeks experienced a reduction in the arterial pressure comparable to the results experienced by subjects who took the prescription of a drug. Known as "bitter tea" in Iran, has been traditionally used hibiscus tea to lower blood pressure. A study published in January, 2009 "Journal of Human Hypertension" found some validity for that use. The study reported that patients who suffer from diabetes type 2 taking hibiscus tea twice a day for a month experienced a reduction in systolic blood pressure levels, although there was a reduction in diastolic pressure.

Hibiscus Tea for High Cholesterol

Hibiscus Tea
A traditional use of hibiscus tea is to reduce the viscosity of the blood, according to the Center for New Crops and Plant Products of Purdue University. In modern terms, this would mean a reduction in cholesterol levels. Although research has shown mixed results, several studies have shown that hibiscus tea can help reduce or maintain cholesterol levels. For example, a study published in June 2010 on 'Phytomedicine', reported that patients who suffered from metabolic syndromes experienced a decrease in total cholesterol levels after taking a daily dose of 100 grams of hibiscus extract powder.

Other uses of hibiscus tea

Both traditional and recently, hibiscus tea has several other uses, although not all of them have been tested in clinical studies. One of those uses is to help maintain a healthy heart. Hibiscus tea contains flavonoids and anthocyanins, which have antioxidant properties and has been shown that they support the health of the heart. It has also been traditionally used to treat cough and lack of appetite, and has been used for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. In addition, their consumption can help with digestive, as stomach pain disorders, since it can help to relax the smooth muscle of the intestine.

Here ends this article about hibiscus tea and its benefits, please continue reading this website to find more information about hibiscus flowers.

Benefits of the Hibiscus Flower

Hibiscus flower reduces stress, cholesterol, and diabetes in obese patients.

A pioneering clinical study with 31 patients suffering from obesity reflects that the polyphenols from the petals of the flower of Hibiscus (Hibiscus sabdariffa), very extended to beautify parks and public gardens, significantly reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and diabetes.

This result is the culmination of the work developed over three years and a half by biologist molecular María Herranz and Vicente Micol, of the Institute of Molecular Biology and cell (IBMC) of the University Miguel Hernández of Elche (Alicante), with financing plans VALi+D and Prometeo de la Generalitat Valenciana and CDTI of the Ministry of economy and competitiveness.

These studies have been conducted in collaboration with Jorge Joven y Carlos Villaverde, Centre of research in Biomedicine of the Hospital Universitari de Sant Joan de Reus (Tarragona) with Antonio Segura, of the University of Granada.

After trials in animal and cell models, 31 hypertensive patients in this hospital have been treated with a BMI of 31 index (considered obese 30) in which it has been observed that after a month of taking dissolved in water between 6 and 8 grams daily of extract of Hibiscus hibiscus sabdariffa, improved the main values of the pathological picture related to obesity.

Overall performance decrease blood pressure

Hibiscus Flower
Micol, Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at the City University, has told EFE that the overall results conclude one decreased both systolic blood pressure (high) as the diastolic (lower) in around 20 and 10 percent, respectively.

Also produced a significant reduction in cholesterol, of 10 percent of the hemoglobin glycosylated (diabetes marker) by about 25 percent and also of the heart rate.

Clinical trials concluded in early 2013 and the IBMC researchers are now in the phase of developing a scientific article for submission and publication in the international journal specialized in the science of food and nutrition molecular ("Molecular Nutrition and Food Research").
"This flower, 'roselle' or 'karkade' is taken as a traditional drink in some African tropical countries"

Micol (Lleida, 1963) has explained that this flower - also called "roselle" or "karkade" - is taken as a traditional drink in some tropical Africa, such as Senegal and Sudan, Ibero-American (Mexico and Panama) and Asian countries (Thailand and Malaysia) by the popular belief that it is beneficial to health, although so far were not compelling in the international scientific literature clinical papers.

This flower is used in the gardens in cities and towns by its resistance to the weather and beauty, have a chalice with between 4 and 5 large petals of deep red and a few bright yellow stamens.

The most striking for scientists is the ability against fat cells
However, what most attracted the attention of scientists at the IBMC is the ability of its polyphenols against the fat cells from the adipose tissue, something that have been tested successfully in crops, in laboratory mice and, more recently, in patients with a pathological picture of abnormal glucose, hypertension, fatty liver, triglycerides and cholesterol.

A company specializing in food, nutraceutical and functional food, the Elche Monteloeder SL ingredients, has recently signed an agreement with the IBMC to industrially manufacture this product, that the researchers obtained by heating to boiling petals and stamens after grinding them, with a later stage of enrichment and drying.

The resulting product could added to other food, such as yogurt or fruit juices items, or dissolved in water for its administration.

Micol has highlighted that, in addition to checking the powers of the Hibiscus sabdariffa, this study helps us understand the mechanisms involved in illnesses associated with obesity, which may facilitate further pharmacological applications.

Benefits of Hibiscus

Hibiscus is a decorative plant prized in the gardens and well decorated apartments. But beyond its aesthetic side, hibiscus contains a whole series of benefits for the skin, hair and health. We see the power of this flower so appreciated.

Medicinal use of Hibiscus

Hibiscus has various medicinal benefits which include its digestive function, antioxidant and stimulant for the liver and kidney. It also helps to moisturize the skin and sugary components can be used for many conditions skin like wounds, cracks or cuts. In some parts of Asia, America and Africa very warm, the oldest way of consuming hibiscus is tea, which is obtained from the infusion of the dried petals and is taken in social gatherings. This tea as well as having great refreshing properties, possesses digestive and diuretic virtues.

The cosmetic benefits of the Hibiscus

There are 5 different varieties of hibiscus: hibiscus rosa sinensis, hibiscus esculentus, hibiscus sabdariffa, hibiscus tilliaceus. In fact it's one of those curious plants whose flowers can be eaten. Precisely, the Hibiscus flower is a true ally of beauty for skin and hair.

Hibiscus can consume in infusion or use it as a mask for truly stunning results. In India, it is often commonly used to treat dandruff and heal the skin.

For care of the hair, simply dry some hibiscus petals. Then mixed with water to obtain a kind of mask. This mixture should be applied during the wash cycle and allows you to reduce dandruff, moisturize the scalp, nurture it and strengthen it.

Thanks to its exceptional components, the mask also prevents the formation of reeds, being quite natural anti-aging is a recipe.

Benefits of hibiscus to combat diseases

In red, pink, yellow, orange, and white color, the Hibiscus flower is ideal for curing certain diseases. This medicinal plant can cure or relieve the cough and sore throat. To do so, should consume the flower of hibiscus in form of infusion.

Thus, angina and stomatitis, is treatable but also bronchitis, problems of dysentery, and spasmodic colic. This flower can also heal the skin, simply apply a fresh flower on an insect sting, or an abscess.
Today, hibiscus flower can be found in the form of powder, infusion or syrup, and is sold in pharmacies and aromatherapy shops and herbalists. Hibiscus flower offers a somewhat sour taste, its texture resembles that of the litchi and its taste of raspberry.

Hibiscus may also be incorporated in some dishes recipes. For example, there are desserts based on hibiscus, and not forgetting the fresh flower is ideal for culinary decoration.

There is no doubt that in addition to his undisputed aesthetic side, 100% natural hibiscus flower is a key partner for the beauty and the well being of the people. It may interest you to know other medicinal plants with surprising properties.

Here concludes this article about hibiscus benefits. Please continue reading this website to find more information about the hibiscus plant.