Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hibiscus Plant, everithing you have to know

Hibiscus plant

Common name: hibiscus, China rose, Cayenne
Scientific name: Hibiscus Rosae-Sinensis
Origin: Tropical Asia
Family: Malvaceae
Location: outside
Blooming: Summer, continuing in tropical climates
Light: Full sun
Ideal temperature: 13 - 21 ° C, although some varieties can resist up to - 15 ° C
Irrigation: Abundant
Fertilizer: While it is blooming we will pay it every 15 days

Description of the Hibiscus

If you want to give it a Mediterranean touch to your backyard, the best choice is the floral burst of hibiscus, an evergreen shrub that can reach five meters in height if planted in the garden and two meters in a pot. The leaves are oval with slightly serrated edges, dark green and bright.

Hibiscus PlantThe flowers of hibiscus, which have different sizes and colors depending on the variety of the plant, are very showy. They are characterized by having five petals forming a funnel from the center, and stamens with yellow anthers that surpass the corolla. The color is varied as there are varieties of red, yellow, orange, pink, white, blue or purple hibiscus,

In tropical climates, bloom occurs throughout the year, but in a cold climate, flowers will appear from midsummer to early fall. Grow it in a big pot composite-based land and water it regularly during summer.

Light and temperature of hibiscus

The hibiscus plant requires a warm climate, between 14 and 18 degrees in winter. It should be protected from the cold and frost, in a well-lighted area with some sun during the first hours of the day.

Irrigation and fertilizer of hibiscus plant

Irrigation should be abundant during the summer, flowering season. Try to keep the soil always moist. It is important to avoid flooding with a good drainage. During the winter hibiscus just need some water. If you grow it indoors you have to spray the leaves regularly to create a humid environment. Add fertilizer granules in the beginning of spring and so on every fifteen days.

Hibiscus Plant Pruning

For have a truly spectacular blooming, prune the hibiscus plant in the spring. Start cutting the shoots of the previous year to maintain a bushy and attractive way. Remove dead, damaged or tangled branches that can spoil each other. Finally, cut some old stems to prevent too congested growing.

Pests and Diseases of Hibiscus Plant

The hibiscus plant is sensitive to aphids, mealy bugs, and spiders, but you have to be careful too with white flies and bees. If the leaves become yellow it can be an excess of irrigation or lack of nutrients, it is solved by reducing the risks and using fertilizer every two weeks. Instead, the plant pulls buttons or cocoons before opening it may be by a cold or too dry environment.

Curiosities of the Hibiscus Plant

Hibiscus, as a medicinal plant, has various properties that include its digestive function, antioxidant and stimulant for the liver and kidney. In addition, red hibiscus is one of the preferred soft drinks in some countries of Africa. You only have to make an infusion with the dried leaves, add sugar or honey, and let it in the fridge.

Here concludes this article about the hibiscus plant, you can read more information about the hibiscus flower or the hibiscus tea on this very website.


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